ViscoView Software

Software for Marimex Viscosity Sensors

Evaluation and recording software for measurement data

The measurement data collected by Marimex ViscoScope process viscometers can be transmitted to a laptop or PC via a digital interface. VisConfig is used to configure the transmitter and save the set parameters. ViscoView ® is a separate program for recording measurement data and visualizing this on a laptop or PC

Both software solutions have been developed by Marimex and can also be expanded on request.


VisConfig is used to configure all the transmitters and save the parameters. Ideally, the software should be installed on a laptop. This can be directly connected to the transmitter using the RS232 interface on the front of the instrument. VisConfig enables the user to save the read out parameters. If it is necessary to change the parameters, these changes are saved and written to the transmitter. A backup and history of the transmitter settings is therefore available at all times.
VisConfig is essential for configuring the VS-B450 transmitter as this is not possible via keys.
VisConfig can be used to save the data from and change the settings of any number of transmitters.


ViscoView� was developed for customers who are unable to connect the ViscoScope process viscometer to a process control system.

The software solution allows the transmitter to be connected to a PC using the RS232 or RS485 output. ViscoView� collects the measurement data and presents it as a graphic making it possible to monitor the process via a PC or even a network. The gathered measurement values are saved as a .txt file and can be evaluated at a later date or used for performing subsequent calculations.

Version 1.0 of this software permits only one transmitter to be connected. Up to 8 transmitters can be connected (via an RS485 interface) from Version 2.0 onwards

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Marimex® a brand of Fluid.iO Sensor + Control GmbH & Co. KG

An der Hartbrücke 6
64625 Bensheim